Damn good girl, and anyone is extremely lucky to have me for their company. Wanted the former two phrases to be always true in my life. Love to travel, the most devoid gift of my life. But I am working really hard so that I can visit places like Anghor Wat, Pyramids and most of the historical places on earth. Talks a lot to myself, if at all God would have given someone to listen all of my thoughts, I would have tested every single patient nerve of theirs. But I do have a best buddy with whom I share most of the yammering’s, Ban (that’s his nick name).

No more a girl now. I am a mother of two, they are extremely naughty. But they love me more than this world. I have an handsome hubby… who’s motto is when someone runs to him and say “The world is going to end in few secs” and he will be like “OH! Never mind, we will take care of it later” 🙂 that’s right a literal Don’t care policy.
I have a lovely mother father and a brother… who are helping me in every way possible to live this tough life.

Highly impressed with mythology and fantasy lives. Uses a lot of adjectives to exaggerate what ever I feel. That is exactly how I feel too. 🙂 Watch out for more of my jabbers as such… RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.

Ohh Yeahhhh! That’s me… wondering what gave me that biggest smile. That was when I got my first mobile A ‘Samsung D600’ and my photo with my mobile.

Lara when she is happy

I love books, history, myth and mythological stories. I am always crazy about learning new stuff, new technology and anything that fantasize me. A lot fantasizes me. I easily trust fellowbeings, easily get cheated and easily get hurt. But I am very tough when I find out the truth. I am a capri and I am proud of it… as I work really really hard to get whatever I want.