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Squats – more difficult exercise than you think.

Squats – more difficult exercise than you think.


Squats for a couple of minutes could make your face go flush. It is one of the difficult exercises. Try singing a song or just talk during squats if you still don’t believe this.

Squats are a very metabolically demanding exercise because a lot of muscle mass. It actually creates a lot of lactic acid. Lactic acid is again a bi product of anabolic metabolism

Squats - more difficult exercise than you think.
Squats – more difficult exercise than you think.

, your body requires a lot of energy to keep doing squats continuously; it creates a lot of lactic acid. Lactic acid disassociates into Carbon di oxide and water. And the increase in CO2 in the body makes you breathe more. So doing squats is not a aerobic exercise which makes you more lose more oxygen. But it makes you get rid of these waste products. So any heavy exercises like push-ups, chin-ups and squats which uses a lot of muscle mass makes you breathe a lot.



Do it the right way:

Go down slowly.

Make sure your knees do not cross the tip of your toes.

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