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Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

This falls in to the category play it a 100 times I will watch it.

Ohh I know the story is a repeat, the myth is a repeat, but still I will watch it why?

It brings back the Green Mythology back in front of my eyes. The Greek Gods, Devils, Monsters, Antiques, Places. If you are a lover of Greek mythology there is a lot of visual treat as well as things to learn. Starting from the early pottery to the Giant Monsters.

You have the pegasus, the medusa, Athena, Lord Zeus and much more.

I am not an expertise in Greece archaeology, but I play “Hercules – the game”. Most of the story line is outlined in the game. The movie is no less than it.

Watch it and have fun.

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One response to “Clash of the Titans”

  1. Rehanhilal Avatar

    i like it you s
    hould send me english movie taitanik

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